Blast from the past
For those of you who have been following the blog for while might recognize this boy. Then again you might not since he’s not dressed up in his sexy catholic boy uniform. But Evan has hung up his uniform and is living his best life in uni. Honestly I was a little surprised to hear from him again (but should I be? Don’t all the boys seem to come back at one point or another? ;). But I did put one reason he kinda faded away was because he didn’t feel like he was good enough to be posted or even be one of daddy’s boys. I told him he didn’t need to compare himself to other boys on here, he is just as special as them. Honestly I don’t think there is another boy who loves being more of a Daddy’s boy, in and out of the bedroom. Once he heard that he started telling me how much he miss me playing with and posting him. Now he’s back to be daddy’s naughty little slut. In between classes of course ;)